Wednesday 27 November 2013

Information on coffee and its processing (taste the coorg coffee)

Origin of Coffee

A province in Ethiopia where it was first discovered.
 The holy building in Mecca.
Kavus Kai
 A Persian king who was able to defy gravity and levitate by drinking coffee.
Meaning roasted in Turkish.
A hunger curing drink in Arabic.

Meaning strength or vigor in Arabic.

It is a native plant of Abyssinia (Ethiopia) in Africa Continent and can be found growing wild and cultivated
From Ethiopia it was brought to Arabia and variety of legends exist to how coffee was discovered.

Look Wise….

All coffee plants are classified in the large family Rubiaceae. They are evergreen shrubs or small trees that may grow 15 ft tall when un pruned. The leaves are dark green and glossy, usually 10–15 cm long and 6 cm  wide. The flowers are axillaries, and clusters of fragrant white flowers bloom simultaneously and are followed by oval berries of about 1.5 cm. Green when immature, they ripen to yellow, then crimson, before turning black on drying. Each berry usually contains two seeds, but 5–10% of the berries have only one; these are called pea berries. Berries ripen in seven to nine months.


A coffee plant usually starts to produce flowers 3–4 years after it is planted, and it is from these flowers that the fruits of the plant (commonly known as coffee cherries) appear.
Strip Picked: The entire crop is harvested at one time. This can either be done by machine or by hand. In either case, all of the cherries are stripped off of the branch at one time.
Selectively Picked: Only the ripe cherries are harvested and they are picked individually by hand. Pickers rotate among the trees every 8 – 10 days, choosing only the cherries which are at the peak of ripeness. Because this kind of harvest is labor intensive, and thus more costly, it is used   primarily to harvest the finer Arabica beans.

Wet process
In the Wet Process, the fruit covering the seeds/beans is removed before they are dried. Coffee processed by the wet method is called wet processed or washed coffee. The wet method requires the use of specific equipment and substantial quantities of water.
Dry process
Dry process, also known as unwashed or natural coffee, is the oldest method of processing coffee. The entire cherry after harvest is first cleaned and then placed in the sun to dry on tables or in thin layers on patios:
Cleaning: The harvested cherries are usually sorted  and cleaned, to separate the unripe, overripe and    damaged cherries and to remove dirt, soil, twigs   and leaves. 

Health and Coffee
Reduced risk of gallstone disease Drinking caffeinated coffee has been correlated with a lower incidence of gallstones and gallbladder disease in both men[and women..
Cognitive performance Many people drink coffee for its ability to increase short term recall. Likewise, in tests of simple reaction time, choice reaction time, incidental verbal memory, and visiospatial reasoning,
Analgesic enhancement Coffee contains caffeine, which increases the effectiveness of pain killers, especially migraine and headache medications. For this reason,
many over-the-counter headache drugs include
caffeine in their formula.
Antidiabetic Coffee intake may reduce one's risk of diabetes mellitus type 2 by up to half.
Cancer Coffee consumption is also correlated to a reduced risk of oral, esophageal, and pharyngeal cancer.
Cardioprotective Coffee moderately reduces the incidence of dying from cardiovascular disease, according to a large prospective cohort study published in 2008.
AntioxidantCoffee contains the anticancer compound methylpyridinium. This compound is not present in significant amounts in other food materials.
Prevention of dental caries The tannins in coffee may reduce the cariogenic potential of foods. it has  shown that these polyphenolic compounds may interfere with glucosyltransferase activity of         mutans streptococci, which may reduce plaque formation.

Popular and Most Demanded type

  Cappuccino is a coffee-based drink prepared   with espresso, hot milk, and steamed milk foam.
Café Late
A shot or two of espresso in a cup filled with frothy steamed milk. Baristas will sometimes pour the frothy milk through the espresso in an open mug to make an artistic design in the cream (espresso foam) floating on the surface. ...
Caffè espresso or simply espresso is a concentrated beverage brewed by forcing hot water under pressure through finely ground coffee.
Irish coffee-
Coffee mixed with a dash of Irish whiskey and served with cream on top
Cold coffee
Iced coffee is a cold variant of the beverage coffee.
Did you know Coffee is...
The second most widely used product in the world after oil.
It was worth 6 million tones per year in the mid 90's.
It is worth €30 billion per year to the producing countries.
It is a living to more than 100 million people.
It is consumed at the rate of 1400 million cups per day.
The world's second most popular drink after            water

coffe roaster {@home}

                                             THANK YOU

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